Parish Community & Volunteering
Volunteers play an important part in the day-to-day operation here at St Mark’s Church and Parish.
In our community you can assist with Liturgical and Sacramental & Mass preparation, St Mark’s Music & Youth Ministry as well as Prayer, Parish and outreach groups.

Adult Altar MinistersAn Adult server helps  prepare for Mass & assist the priest during the Mass service.
Eucharistic Ministry  Our Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Body & Blood of Christ during Mass. (Training provided)
Junior Eucharistic Ministers (JEMS) Our Junior Eucharistic Ministers (JEMS) servers are Year 6 & above and assist to prepare the Mass and serve during the Mass. (Training provided and parents permission required)
Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick Ministers offer care for the sick, the elderly and housebound by taking them Holy Communion to strengthen them in their life journey and attend the Mass of the Anointing. (Training provided)
Ministers of the
Proclaiming the holy scriptures at Mass on a prepared roster. (Training provided)
RCIA Supporters Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults supports those wishing to be receive into the Church with a journey over several months. Parishioner support is vital. (Training provided)
The sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation is Parish based preparation with small groups and the support of parents and leaders. (Training provided)
Children’s Liturgy Assist our children to understand the gospel and pray with the children. (Training provided)
The Greeters & Welcomers Ministry Requirements are simple; the ability to say “Hello, and welcome to St. Mark’s” and to offer a smile and a bulletin to all who enter. Volunteer at any age to 100, an individual, family or couple.                       
Offering Collectors / Ushers The collection of our weekly offerings and to usher parishioners to a seat when there is a crowd.

Why volunteer?
† You may wish to serve St Mark’s Church as an extension of your faith.
† You may wish to become part of the wider St Mark’s community.
† You may wish to gain experience by volunteering for a Church.
Whatever your reason, you can find your own reward through volunteering at St Mark’s Parish, complete the Volunteer form and our Parish Office will be in contact.
When volunteering at St Mark’s Parish Drummoyne it is compulsory to follow the Archdiocese of Sydney volunteer Safeguarding requirements.

How to Volunteer? Complete the Become a Volunteer Form